Please use the form below to order your next batch of towels
Unique Client Reference Number *
Towel type *ECO 40x60cmECO 80x40cmECO BLK 40x18cmECO BLK 40x60cmECO BLK 80x40cmDUO 80x40cmDUO140x80cmDUO 200x80cmLUX 80x40cmLUX BLK 80x40cm
Quantity required *1 Box2 Boxes3 Boxes4 BoxesOther Amount
For clients wishing to order more than one product type, please complete the additional two fields below.
Please state the additional towel types required (you can use the towel type drop-down above for reference), followed by the quantities required.
Additional towel types required
Quantities required
Name *
Company Name
E-Mail *
Telephone *
We will confirm your order within 24 hours